Dec.24, 2012
Whether it's because most members of the mainstream media are simply oblivious to the effects of psychotropic drugs, whether it's a biased political agenda, laziness or a combination of all of those elements, you will be hard-pressed to find many journalists who dare to link the dangers of these medications to the growing number of horrific mass murders that have occurred with alarming frequency in recent years.
The most recent of these involved 20-year-old Adam Lanza, who killed his mother before traveling to the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., earlier this month to murder 20 Kindergarten children and six adults.
In the days following the shooting, initial exclusive reports from the New York Daily News said that Lanza went on his rampage when he learned he was about to be committed to a psychiatric institution by his mother. According to the report, a "bar pal" who did not want to be named told the paper Nancy Lanza told him her son was "burning himself" and that she feared she was "losing him."
The disappearing details
What that initial report also said, according to InfoWars.com, was that Adam Lanza was on a psychotropic drug.
"Adam's uncle....said he was taking an anti-psychotic drug called Fanapt," New York Magazine said in a follow-up report, quoting the initial New York Daily News story.
But then, InfoWars.com noted, that little factoid disappeared from the online versions of those initial reports.
"It's almost certain that the original version of the article did mention this before being amended, and that the NY Mag piece was based on the original NY Daily News piece," InfoWars.com reported.
Why would mainstream newspapers and magazines want to hide the fact that Lanza - and a host of previous mass murderers - were taking psychotropic drugs that almost certainly contributed to their deadly behavior?
The obvious answer is that blaming the drug takes away from their anti-gun agenda.
But the fact that these tragedies are being committed by psychiatric basket cases on drugs has not escaped the attention of everyone.
Big Pharma dollars doing the talking?