Jurriaan Maessen
December 20, 201
When (not if) we wake on Saturday December 22 to find all of mankind
still slumbering along the road to rapture, we will be reminded of the
fact that the build-up to Armageddon was a sham from start to finish-
and the Mayans have nothing whatever to do with it.
Psychological programmers have flooded the internet with stories and
images of impending doom as a result of our planet’s transgressions
through the “photon belt.” Long before the Mayan calender was ever
predesignated to signify global Armageddon, converging star-signs were
supposed to shatter the planet, with Pisces converging with Capricorn,
at an angle of exactly such and such degrees. A celestial mix of
apocalyptic preconditions as a result of which earth and its inhabitants
will float away on ethereal air currents. An obscure, as of yet
undetected planet is apparently hurrying through the solar system,
diametrically avoiding telescopes to crash at the exact time the ancient
Mayans chose to end their mythological calendar… one of their
calendars, that is. I have always considered it an act of extreme
psychological acrobatics to reconcile boundless infinity, with all its
countless galaxies and empty space, with the finite fancies of
astrology, covering after all only our most immediate celestial
neighbors. Regardless of ones own beliefs in regards to these matters,
the point is that social engineers strive to know precisely where the
nerve-endings of our hopes (and fears) are to be found, and subsequently
lay them bare for tyrants to trample on.
Of course history records so many impending days of doom, that if
they would all have come to pass, the earth would have been destroyed a
thousand times over. This sobering fact does not in the least affect the
end-of-days advocates. Proponents of these mythologies (uniformly
building their speculations upon an interpretation of the Mayan
calendar) usually shy away from actual reality unfolding as we speak.
They prefer busying themselves with the latest message from planet
Zordac instead.
Such innocent little indulgences usually go hand in hand with less
innocent ones. After all, in order to properly receive the alien
visitors, we must first organize a one world order.
Such star trek visions would indeed be innocent if not for the
overall passive demeanor created in the process. Why act if the battle
for freedom will be decided by an expected catastrophe descending from
the heavens? It is easy to throw your hands in the air and to drift
aimlessly on ethereal air currents. It is hard, on the other hand, to
challenge the very real New World Order that is engaged in depopulation
policies on record. History teaches us that the tyrant stands to gain
from slaves surrendering themselves to idle fancies. (CONTINUE READING)