Friday, October 7, 2011

40 Signs That America Is Rotting From The Inside Out
It would be easy to know how to defend America if enemy forces were invading our shores.  But how do you defend a nation that is rotting from the inside out?  How do you eradicate the internal decay that is eating away at the heart and soul of this nation a little bit more every single day?  Just like we saw happen with the Roman Empire, the internal rot that is eating its way to the surface threatens to bring us down as a nation.  Greed, corruption, gluttony, lust and pride have become national pastimes.  We are addicted to debt, food, entertainment and pleasure.  We have been taught to hate those that look different from us or that believe different things than we do.  Society is literally coming apart at the seams and the federal government is increasingly implementing "Big Brother" security measures in an attempt to maintain control and keep us "safe".  We have far more people in prison than any other nation on the planet and yet things just keep getting worse and worse.  So how can we fix America?  How do we rescue a nation that is rotting from the inside?
It is absolutely crucial that we acknowledge just how bad things have gotten.  Simply getting the right political party into power will not save America.  Neither will implementing a new political system or a new economic system.  America's problems are deeper than that.  The very core of America is deeply sick, and once we admit that, then perhaps we will start focusing on some real solutions.
The following are 40 signs that America is rotting from the inside out....
#1 A secret panel of government officials can now put American citizens on a "kill list".  A recent Reuters article explained that no law established this secret panel and that there are no laws which govern it....
There is no public record of the operations or decisions of the panel, which is a subset of the White House's National Security Council, several current and former officials said. Neither is there any law establishing its existence or setting out the rules by which it is supposed to operate.
#2 It is on record that the federal government facilitated the sale of thousands upon thousands of very powerful guns to Mexican drug cartels.  The Mexican government was never told about this operation.  U.S. border agents have been shot with these guns, and these guns have been involved in dozens of murders already in Mexico.  Mexican drug cartels will continue to kill people with these guns for many years to come.  The Obama administration is working incredibly hard to cover up this scandal and the mainstream media is mostly ignoring the story.
#3 The other day, CBS News reporter Sharyl Attkisson shared with radio show host Laura Ingraham that Obama administration officials have yelled at her and cussed at her for aggressively investigating Operation Fast and Furious.  This must have created a lot of waves, because now CBS News has now put her on lockdown and has made her unavailable for interviews.
#4 A host of other recent examples show that if you are associated with the mainstream media in any way and you make a "politically incorrect" comment, you will be given the boot so fast that it will make your head swim.  For example, Hank Williams Jr. was recently booted off Monday Night Football simply because he compared Barack Obama to Hitler.
#5 At the current protests in New York City, police are beating people with clubs and shooting pepper spray in their faces.  As the economic crisis gets even worse and protests spread and become more intense in future years, will all of America soon look like this?
#6 The United States has the highest incarceration rate in the world and the largest total prison population on the entire globe.
#7 The other day, a group of thieves stole a 50 foot long bridge in Pennsylvania.  Yes, you read that correctly.  They stole the entire bridge.
#8 Criminals seem willing to steal just about anything that is not bolted down these days.  For example, a group of thieves has stolen more than 1,000 pigs from farms in Minnesota and Iowa in recent months.
#9 Class warfare is certainly rising to a new level in this nation.  Recently, Roseanne Barr said that it would be a good idea for some bankers to "go to the reeducation camps".
#10 Michael Moore is warning that the economic riots that we are starting to see around the country could potentially become violent in the future....
"The smart rich know they can only build the gate so high. And, and, sooner or later history proves that people when they’ve had enough aren’t going to take it anymore. And much better to deal with it nonviolently now, through the political system, than what could possibly happen in the future, which nobody wants to see"
#11 Have we become a socialist nation?  At this point, nearly half of all Americans live in a household that receives some form of government benefits.
#12 From the time George Washington became president until January 1993, the United States government accumulated a national debt of $4.16 trillion.  Since Barack Obama entered the White House, more than $4.2 trillion has been added to the national debt.
#13 Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke recently warned Congress not to cut "too much" from the federal budget right now.
#14 According to one recent report, the EPA wants to hire 230,000 more bureaucrats that will help enforce all of the new greenhouse gas regulations that the EPA plans to implement.
#15 There are more than 3 million reports of child abuse in the United States every single year.
#16 Horrifying brawls involving groups of young people are breaking out all over the nation.  For example, check out this disturbing footage of a brawl that recently broke out during a football game in California.
#17 All over the nation, little children are being publicly arrested by police in their own classrooms and are being marched out of their schools in handcuffs. (CONTINUE READING)


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