Mike Adams
Natural News
Dec 11, 2012
Colorado and Washington pot smokers are lighting up in celebration
after having achieved a stunning decriminalization victory at the ballot
box. Inhale while you can, my brothers and sisters, because Obama is
already plotting how to re-criminalize your swag and nullify states’
Marijuana decriminalization, you see, was a states’ rights victory
that more or less flipped Washington D.C. the finger. From Obama’s point
of view, this simply cannot be allowed to stand because it would set a
precedent of the tyrannical federal government “allowing” states to
decide their own laws, separate from federal law. While the U.S.
Constitution clearly encourages precisely such a structure, the U.S.
federal government that exists today operates like a power-hungry gang
of thugs who seek to crush anyone and anything that threatens to stand
against it. There does not even exist the facade of respecting the
limitations of federal government described in the Constitution.
Mark my words: Obama, who is himself an admitted pot smoker, is coming after YOUR right to smoke pot.
It will start with polite-sounding lawsuits. The federal government
will claim total control of all individual activity under the “commerce
clause” of the U.S. Constitution and pressure a few key federal judges
to overturn state decriminalization laws.
If, for some reason, that fails, the DEA — which operates much like a
pack of hungry wolves barely restrained on a short leash — will be
given the green light to start conduct armed federal raids
in Washington and Colorado. The point of the raids? To send the message
that the feds are still in charge, regardless of what the voters say.
A lesson in power
All the pot smoking voters in Washington and Colorado are about to
receive a valuable lesson in power. They think they have won a permanent
victory for liberty, even if they don’t describe it in those words. In
reality, all they have done is antagonize federal forces of evil which
are already planning a powerful counter-assault that will remind the
slaves of America (the voters) who is really in charge.
And why? Because if marijuana decriminalization is
not crushed by the political forces in Washington D.C., then its very
existence might encourage other states to decriminalize things like industrial hemp farming,
holistic medicine or even raw milk. For God’s sake, states might behave
under the misimpression that they control their own destiny!
On this subject, I’ve already published a list of five things any state could legalize right now in order to experience an economic golden age. Each of these fives things would require states to assert their Tenth Amendment rights
to nullify the power of the federal government within the state’s own
borders. This is precisely what Colorado and Washington have done with
marijuana decriminalization laws. They may not call it a “Tenth
Amendment” initiative, but that’s exactly what it is.
Make no mistake that the federal government will use any means
necessary to reverse this: Lawsuits, armed raids, false flag attacks,
propaganda campaigns and so on. The federal government in America today
is run by truly maniacal power-hungry criminals. Ron Paul calls
Washington bureaucrats “psychopathic tyrants.” There is absolutely
nothing they won’t do to enforce their fabricated authority over the
states and the People. (CONTINUE READING)