November 14, 2012

IDWeek 2012 is, of course, sponsored by the highly politicized Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) which is fraught with a dark past of conflicts of interests. Joining in is the Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America which is federally funded and in bed with its admitted "partner," the CDC. Next comes the HIV Medicine Association which nests neatly under the protective wing of the IDSA. Finally up, the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society, which by its own admission is funded in part by Big Pharma interests. Can we trust these guys to be objective? When donkeys fly..
The flu vaccine facts straight from the CDC
In searching the year 2011 on the CDC Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System website - ( - it was found that 51 deaths were caused by the flu vaccines, along with 232 life threatening events, 116 permanent disabilities, 739 hospitalizations, 109 prolonged hospitalizations, 4,039 ER visits, and 6,221 "not serious" reports. According to the National Vaccine Information Center, fewer than one percent of all adverse vaccine reactions are ever reported. If this is true, you can add two zeros to any of the above figures to be closer to actual numbers. Nice odds, huh?Flu shots kill and maim. As stated above, 30 percent of flu vaccinations come with adverse reactions, and about six percent of all adverse reactions bring with them serious health events - including death. What the CDC neglects to tell you is that in five recent studies, people who did get the 2008-2009 flu shot were more likely to get the swine flu than those who did not take the poke. Also, with the flu vaccine came three times more risk for hospitalization in children. Source; American Thoracic Society May 2009 (CONTINUE READING)