Jon Rappoport January 8, 2013
Piers Morgan (CNN) thought he might pump up his horrendous ratings
and avoid having to go back to England. So he invited Alex Jones to
come east and appear on his show.
They would discuss gun control and the petition to have Morgan
deported. It would be good television. An interesting conversation.
Perhaps things would get contentious.
But Morgan’s producers and bookers had made a fatal error of judgment.
To say Alex was loaded for bear is a vast understatement.
He crashed the television party in a way it’s never happened before.
You could call it: the internet invades mainstream media. But that doesn’t begin to do it justice.
This was one man attacking the whole rotting corpse of major media,
attacking the fascists of the federal government, attacking the
psychiatric/pharmaceutical cartel for dispensing drugs that cause people
to kill other people, attacking the host of the show for daring to come
to these shores with his putrid put-on Brit arrogance, attacking the
brain-dead premise that fewer gun murders equals a far, far better
nation (England), swearing an oath that the US government will not
disarm the citizenry…and Alex made all this happen in just the first
seven minutes of the interview.
Media For Independent Minds
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Thursday, January 3, 2013
Bilderberg Elite Angry Over “Constant Exposure”
Increased media coverage could force secretive group to avoid Europe
Paul Joseph Watson
January 3, 2013
January 3, 2013

According to veteran journalist Jim Tucker, Bilderberg
elitists are furious over the “constant exposure” the secretive group is
receiving in the European media, forcing members to consider the
unprecedented step of holding the organization’s annual meeting in the
United States for two years running.
The US corporate media routinely ignores what would
normally be considered a sensational story – over 100 of the world’s
most powerful people – including the likes of Eric Schmidt, Henry
Kissinger, David Rockefeller, Herman van Rompuy, and the Queen of the
Netherlands – meeting behind closed doors to discuss the future of the
However, European news outlets have given the event more
intense press coverage in recent years, leading Bilderberg members to
prefer the relative anonymity they are afforded by the more controlled
U.S. media.
“A source at the November 30-December 3 meeting in
Washington of Bilderberg’s North American Group overheard Richard
Armitage, a deputy secretary of state under President George W. Bush,
say Bilderberg and the TC (Trilateral Commission) are angry over “their
constant exposure,” adding that organizers were contemplating holding
the next Bilderberg meeting in the U.S. in order to keep a lower
profile,” writes Tucker,
who notes that it will be a significant financial burden for Bilderberg
to change their venue given that they have to book out an entire luxury
hotel two years in advance.
So has the Bilderberg Group been hounded out of Europe?
Has the glare of the media spotlight in Europe forced the cabal to take
the unprecedented step of hosting their conference in America for two
years running?
2011 proved to be a bad year for Bilderberg. Despite
choosing to host their conference half way up a mountain in the remote
Swiss resort of St. Moritz, hundreds of protesters were encamped right
outside the Suvretta hotel. Members of both the European and Swiss parliaments attempted to enter the conference, prompting unwelcome press coverage, and Bilderberg attendees themselves were confronted by inquisitive demonstrators during an afternoon stroll down the mountain.
Returning to America in 2012, Bilderberg were able to
rely on tighter security and a compliant media that virtually
blacklisted their presence. (CONTINUE READING)
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